What’s Involved

We recruited 525 young people and we are tracking their emotional development through high school. Each year there are 3 parts to the assessment process:

Online Questionnaires

(Teen and a parent; approximately 1 hour each year)

Teen and a parent fill out an online questionnaire at home. The questionnaires ask about a variety of personality, emotional and social factors, including friendships, anxiety, mood, bullying, appearance concerns, sleep, coping styles, life satisfaction, and resilience.

Telephone Interviews 

(Teen and a parent; approximately 1 hour each year)

The teen and their parent complete separate telephone interviews. The interview ask about the teens emotional functioning and include questions about anxiety, low mood, and body image/eating concerns.

Lab Session at Macquarie University

(Teen only; 2 hours each year)

Each teen comes into Macquarie University to complete a variety of games and activities in our laboratory. Some tasks are on a computer, some involve puzzles or solving a problem, and others require verbal answers to questions.

Here are some benefits of being involved in this research:

  • $100 plus a “thank you pack” for each yearly assessment
  • A yearly assessment of your child’s emotional wellbeing
  • Opportunities for games, competitions, and prizes throughout the year

Raw Project Whats Involved
