
Emergency Contacts

Please note that we are unable to provide crisis or emergency support. If you or your child are experiencing an emergency or crisis, please contact 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.


000 is the primary national emergency number in Australia, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This number is for use only in life-threatening or time-critical emergencies.

Lifeline (13 11 14)

Lifeline is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline.

Mental Health Line (1800 011 511)

Anyone with a mental health issue or who is in immediate crisis can use the Mental Health Line to speak with a mental health professional and be directed to the right care for them. The Mental Health Line is a single number, state-wide 24-hour mental health telephone access service. The mental health line are unable to assist anyone who is acutely psychotic or suicidal.

Other Contacts


Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services.

Information and services for young people, their families and friends as well as health professionals can be accessed through their website, headspace centres and online counselling service eheadspace.
